Eliska Kovacikova DISPERSION

Fragments dispersed all over around, some of them are present, some are absent. A structure - made by a complex and fragile line. It is temporary and easily dissolvable. The line expresses our perception. Alike fragments of our memory. Memory and its authenticity. “Dispersion” is a solo exhibition of a Stockholm-based Slovakian artist Eliska Kovacikova. The show presents an experimental approach, as a chapter of the artists long-term engagement with space analysis folded and unfolded in various media. The current phase of this journey plays with ambiguity between the notions of presence and absence in form of a site-specific installation, which is encompassed by fragments of drawing that are diverse in scale and material. The main concept circulates around terms such as space, perception, reality and authenticity. More information about the artist: www.eliskakovacikova.com

Allékonst i Mariestad

forars konstnaren ar ett geni

Rosa besök på Residenset

I måndags kväll var Kulturarbetscentrum i Rosa huset i Skövde på besök i Residenset.
En härlig kväll med prat runt konst och konstnärsskap som avslutades med fika.

Öppen ateljé i helgen! Välkommen!

Konstresidenset har öppet 11-16 lör 18 - sön 19 mars. I Konstresidenset kan du se måleri av Kristin Ekström, Lerum och Marianne Förars, Mariestad.

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